What is Financial Independence?
>> Saturday, May 15, 2010
What is Financial Independence?
Plan Save and Build wealth using what you have right now.
most of us are pre-occupied with earning money. we pour time, talent, efort and resoruces into making money. many employees take on extra jobs or put up small business to augment their salaries.
very often, unfortunately, this drive to earn money is not founded on a meaningful personal financial plan, financial objectives are not defined. we over-emphasize the importance of having more earnings without balancing this out with some initiative and plan to save. few among us deliberately save a portion of our current earnings. it is as if our capacity to earn will not diminish over time. we refuse to see that as we grow older, and our bodies become weaker, our capacity to actively earn will greatly decrease. this is the mean reason few of us become financially independent by the time we retire from our jobs. what happen most of the time,is that when a parent is no longer able to work, it is the children, or other relatives whi take over the task of providing the parent's financial needs but this does not have to be the case of all the time.